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  • 柯柯魔     奇怪美国菜

    • Fish and chips. Possibly the most traditional of all British dishes.

    • 炸鱼薯条。几乎家喻户晓的英国传统美食。

    • from:《BBC 英国最爱食物-炸鱼薯条2》

    The other day, I talked about “interesting” traditional Brit......

    Deep Fried Coke

    Yes, this is a thing. In some states like......

    In the same place, they also deep fry rattlesna......


    1970-01-01   23赞       1踩       3257浏览 评论(20)
  • 柯柯魔     Stupid Apps

    • Eight years ago, when the iPhone was launched, it didn't have an App Store.

    • 八年前,当第一部iPhone手机发布时,我们并没有app store。

    • from:《苹果WWDC the app effect》

    The Apple App Store has been around for eight years, and has......

    Staring Girl

    This app is for lonely people. It is a Japan......

    Shake the Baby

    This was one of the first apps to be banned......


    1970-01-01   21赞       0踩       1485浏览 评论(6)
  • 柯柯魔     传统英国菜

    • Fish and chips. Possibly the most traditional of all British dishes.

    • 炸鱼薯条。几乎家喻户晓的英国传统美食。

    • from:《BBC 英国最爱食物-炸鱼薯条2》

    Ah, fish and chips, it is a traditional British dish. Frie......


    This is very famous for being made out of sheep’s ......


    1970-01-01   34赞       0踩       2516浏览 评论(27)
  • 柯柯魔     Fairy Tale Endings??

    • Maybe I'm naive but... I believe in fairy tales.

    • 或许我太天真... 但是我相信童话

    • from:《未知》

    The speech that the Queen of Monaco gives is very heart war......

    The Little Mermaid

    In the Disney version, the wicked sea ......


    1970-01-01   22赞       0踩       1573浏览 评论(13)
  • 柯柯魔     More Pickup Lines

    • Was that an earthquake? Or did you just rock my world?

    • 刚刚是有地震吗?还是你的出现震撼了我的世界?

    • from:《搭讪葵花宝典》

    What is a pickup line? As you guys have seen from the vid......

    “Baby, if you were a fruit, you would be a fineapple” (Fin......

    (thank you tumblr for the picture)



    1970-01-01   29赞       1踩       1237浏览 评论(21)
  • 柯柯魔     Strange Deaths

    • dumb ways to die

    • 蠢蠢的死法

    • from:《蠢蠢的死法》

    Death is unpredictable, no one ever knows when they will d......


    1970-01-01   33赞       0踩       1243浏览 评论(30)
  • 柯柯魔     Queen Elizabeth II

    • My government will continue with its long-term plan

    • 政府将根据长期计划

    • from:《英女王2015议会演讲》

    Queen Elizabeth II is the current queen of United Kingdom. ......

    Her full name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor. Her fu......


    1970-01-01   36赞       0踩       1631浏览 评论(24)
  • 柯柯魔     Cartoon Cats

    • I'm Doraemon!

    • 我是哆啦A梦。(英文字幕来自多位魔友)

    • from:《哆啦A梦Stand by me》

    Doraemon is famous in Asia, although in the US not very man......

    Garfield is the fat, lazy, orange cat who has bee......

    Tom is the grey cat from the famous “Tom and Jerry” ca......


    1970-01-01   64赞       2踩       2881浏览 评论(52)
  • 柯柯魔     A Beautiful Mind

    • A Beautiful Mind showed the striking contrast between his genius and his illness.

    • 《美丽心灵》展示了他天才和疾病之间的惊人对比。

    • from:《Beautiful Mind John Nash dies at 86》

    Have you seen “A Beautiful Mind”?  It is a great movie.  I......

    Here are some differences between the movie and reality:



    1970-01-01   19赞       0踩       1039浏览 评论(11)
  • 柯柯魔     Russell Crowe Facts

    • This is a group playing touch football.

    • 这是一帮人在玩儿触身式橄榄球。

    • from:《Beautiful Mind John Nash dies at 86》

    Do you know who Russell Crowe is? He is a famous actor fro......

    - He is in his own band, so he "knows" how to sing, althou......

    -He was once targeted by al Queda, the terrorist group. I......


    1970-01-01   29赞       0踩       786浏览 评论(26)
  • 柯柯魔     Beauty in the West

    • And if God had blessed me with beauty and wealth,

    • 要是上帝赐予我一点姿色和充足的财富,

    • from:《简爱》

    What is beauty? What is the ideal girl?

    Believe it or not......

    Ancient Egypt (1000BC)

    Eyeliner and makeup was important ......

    Ancient Greece (400BC)

    Unibrows (a single long eyebrow) w......


    1970-01-01   51赞       0踩       2191浏览 评论(22)
  • 柯柯魔     没有爱人?Happy Single's Awareness Day!

    • Some people search all their life for this and never find it

    • 多少人终其一生求而不得

    • from:《How Hollywood Says I Love You》

    You all know what Valentine’s Day is. And you all know what......

    20 dates in 1 hour is not a bad deal though.

    Treating onese......

    Carnival is usually celebrated in February.

    Wearing green, ......


    1970-01-01   27赞       1踩       911浏览 评论(18)
  • 柯柯魔     Super Heroines: 超女主人翁

    • Safe.

    • 安全的地方

    • from:《美国队长2》

    Have you noticed that there are not very many female superhe......

    Wonder Woman
    Wonder Woman is probably the oldest female supe......

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    Buffy is not really a comic book he......


    1970-01-01   26赞       0踩       1038浏览 评论(23)
  • 柯柯魔     The Hulk

    • It's a nightmare.

    • 别开玩笑了。

    • from:《复仇者联盟》

    Who exactly is the Hulk?
    Originally he was scientist Bruce B......

    Several movies and TV shows have been made about the Hulk. ......

    In 2003, Ang Lee made the movie “The Hulk” which starred Eri......


    1970-01-01   8赞       0踩       397浏览 评论(6)
  • 柯柯魔     Captain America: American Hero

    • This is Steve Rogers.

    • 我是史蒂夫·罗杰斯。

    • from:《美国队长2》

    You have all seen the movie, Captain America. But do you kn......

    Captain America was a comic book hero, an “all-American” her......

    His comic book life is a little different from the movies, a......


    1970-01-01   43赞       0踩       1380浏览 评论(27)
  • 柯柯魔     Chinglish: 中式英语

    • Do you like?

    • 你们喜欢吗?

    • from:《Lei Jun In India》

    What is Chinglish? Chinglish is “Chinese-style English”. E......

    Care for life Do not fun

    Explodes the stomach


    1970-01-01   76赞       0踩       2864浏览 评论(79)
  • 柯柯魔     Nicolas Cage: 美国有名的演员

    • You can't force someone to fall in love with you,

    • 你不能强迫一个人爱上你,

    • from:《战争之王》

    Nicholas Cage is an actor who has been in many movies such a......

    His real name is Nicholas Coppola. This is the same last na......

    He is a “carnalvore”…….which means he eats animals that have......


    1970-01-01   32赞       0踩       1095浏览 评论(13)
  • 柯柯魔     美国南方的句子

    • I wish the guys could see this. Hey-howdy-hey. That's me. I'm on a yo-yo.

    • 真希望我的朋友们能来分享,哇塞,是我耶,我有溜溜球。

    • from:《玩具总动员2》

    Just like many countries, different parts of the US have dif......

    So, if you ever are in the American South or South West, her......



    1970-01-01   58赞       0踩       1643浏览 评论(33)
  • 柯柯魔     Dick Cheney: Bad Vice President (切尼:坏的副总统)

    • Which is interesting because I think Dick Cheney is the worst president of my lifetime.

    • 有趣的是我也认为切尼是我这辈子见过最烂的总统

    • from:《President Obama dinner》

    Let’s talk about Dick Cheney for a moment. Who is Dick Chen......

    Here are some facts about him:
    Dick Cheney has a pace maker.......


    1970-01-01   25赞       0踩       468浏览 评论(13)
  • 柯柯魔     就叫我Sherlock

    • 思维敏捷的唐尼

    • from:《大侦探福尔摩斯》

    2015-04-30   57赞       0踩       751浏览 评论(15)
男 中级配角lv28


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