• THG·Akashic     【四速】20181021 BBC One-Minute World News

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》








    俄罗斯卫星通讯社莫斯科电 英国、法国和德国发表联合声明,强烈谴责谋杀沙特记者贾马尔·哈苏吉事件,同时呼吁沙特政府立即就这起悲剧事件给出解释。


    各方呼吁沙特政府进行最大程度透明的调查。英法德三国指出,"我们将根据沙特方面给出的解释值得信赖的程度,以及我们对于这种耻辱的事件不会再发生的相信程度, 做出我们最终的结论"。

    担任美国《华盛顿邮报》评论员并在美国居驻的沙特籍记者贾马尔·哈苏吉10月2日进入沙特驻土耳其伊斯坦布尔总领馆后失踪。沙特总检察长19日夜发表声明称,贾马尔∙哈苏吉在沙特驻伊斯坦布尔领事馆中与人争吵并发生肢体冲突后死亡。声明还指出,目前已因此案拘留18名沙特公民,沙特情报总局副局长艾哈迈德∙阿西里(Ahmed Asiri) 和皇家顾问卡赫塔尼(Al-Qahtani)被撤职。此前按沙特驻伊斯坦布尔总领馆的说法,哈苏吉是在离开总领馆后失踪的。


    Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has delivered a national apology to the thousands of victims of child sexual abuse.

    In a lengthy address to parliament Mr Morrison acknowledged and apologised for the harm victims of child sexual abuse have been caused.

    At some points during the emotional address it seemed as if the prime minister had to regain his composure, with many other politicians seen wiping away tears.

    “Mr Speaker, today, as a nation, we confront our failure to listen, to believe, and to provide justice,” Mr Morrison said.

    “And, again, today, we say sorry. To the children we failed, sorry. To the parents whose trust was betrayed and who have struggled to pick up the pieces, sorry.

    “To the whistleblowers, who we did not listen to, sorry. To the spouses, partners, wives, husbands, children, who have dealt with the consequences of the abuse, cover-ups and obstruction, sorry.

    “To generations past and present, sorry.”

    “I simply say I believe you, we believe you, your country believes you,” Mr Morrison said.

    Mr Morrison’s speech was met with approval from many attendees but it was former Prime Minister Julia Gillard that many were waiting to see.

    The Great Hall erupted with applause from survivors of sexual abuse as the former PM entered, with people joining together to chant her name.

    The reaction to Ms Gillard was so powerful that she was even asked up on stage to give an impromptu speech.


    The pregnant Duchess of Sussex has been urged to pace herself by her husband after a late night watching the Invictus Games opening ceremony, royal sources have said.

    Meghan pulled out of an arranged meeting with Invictus Games competitors to rest after Saturday's ceremony overran by nearly two hours, leaving the Duke to present the medals alone on Sunday morning.

    The Sussexes are currently part-way through a gruelling 16-day tour of Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga, with 76 events on their schedule.

    The mother-to-be opted to rest following a late night on the forecourt of the Sydney Opera House, after an electrical storm delayed the launch event of the Games.

    A royal source said the duchess was "not sick, just tired" and was keen to take part in everything.

    The source added: "We have to try to pace her. We have to make sure she is well paced and not overdoing it.

    "She had a very late night last night.

    "She wants to do everything, but Prince Harry is encouraging her to pace herself."

    The baby news was announced on the eve of the duke and duchess's first official visit outside the UK and Ireland.

    The source added: "We want to make sure she gets enough rest at the beginning of the day and at the end of the day.

    "If it has been a very late night due to unforeseen circumstances, we have to adjust for that."

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