• 斯密士     【斯密说:双语百科】EP4 以假乱真的电话录音

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    Hey man, it's Smeeth from Albuquerque, sorry to call you at this late hour. I just wanted to tell you something that happened in the desert and this thing sticks in my mind, cos you know like,I said to myself “I got to tell Bunny about the shit, and he's not gonna believe it ”. You see, I've been driving three days in the desert after we got split up, I was driving on the highway and and suddenly it occurred to me that why is everybody following the route that other people left us? I mean people have their own vehicles, why don't we go anywhere that we want to go, why don't we go exploring the unknown area. What's in the desert, what does it look like when you are inside the area? I thought it's kinda fun to do something bold so I decided to, like going off the main way and take a detour, I mean, like a shortcut and see what it really looks like when you travel through the desert. So I drove it off and headed east into the desert and see where it's actually gonna take me. It was pretty fun at first cos I looked like a sun chaser, wasteland hunter something like that then after a short while, I realized I was completely by myself, the only thing that I got left was the GPS on the ride, so I started to pray that the tires wouldn't blow and my GPS wouldn't fail.. cos if those things happened, going off the trail would be the last fucking regret in my life you know what I'm saying?...

    Anyway, later that night I finally found a pretty secure place behind a big rock I took it as my shelter for the night, and I had set up camp and was cooking, suddenly I heard a noise of a van approaching, I was like what the fuck, what is that, am I in trouble? Are they some sort of bandits and they are gonna rob me steal the truck and leave me here to die? It scared of the shit of me man, seriously. And as this van was approaching I realized there were two guys in it. And next... you are not gonna believe this: When they got close enough I found out they were Mark and Kevin man!!! I mean what are the odds of that? A van just appeared out of no where in the desert and the guys in the van turn out to be the the same guys you went to high school with? No one's gonna believe it's real until it happens! They said after it turned dark they saw the lamp of my truck but they didn't know it was me but they thought it was nice to have company though, so they followed. Small world huh? So anyway, just wanted to tell you I got the contact information of Mark and Kevin, they also live at Albuquerque and they said if we have time we could just give them a call and hang out sometime, just like old times yo. Okay I got to go, call me later when you check this out dude, Smeeth over and out.
    话说回来,那天晚点的时候我终于找到一块大石头,我可以把它当成避风的地方来搭建个营地,刚忙完在煮点东西的时候,我听到有车的声音。当时我就疯了:这什么个鸟情况?是土匪来了么?他们会不会抢了我的钱掳了我的车把我丢在这里等死(痛苦脸)! 兄弟你不知道当时我都吓尿裤子了。后来等车靠近了。。你肯定想不到是这个情况, 你知道车里俩人是谁?Mark 跟Kevin!一个高中的还记得么?这什么概率?一个人在沙迷里旅行突然冒出一辆车,车里坐着你高中同学!这事不发生在你身上你绝对不会相信!后来他们说天黑了之后他们看到了我的车灯,但不知道是我,然后他们想反正多个人一起结伴赶路也不错就跟过来了。世界真小是吧?不管怎么样,我总算又有他俩的联系方式了,他们说没事让我们找他们聚一聚,跟以前一样,他们住Al市的。好了,我要挂了哥们,收到我的留言给我回电,通话完毕,拜拜!

    即使这样,正常也不会像他这样在电话里一个人说这么久- -

    “I thought it's kinda fun to do something bold so I drove off the road into the desert.
    I had set up camp and was cooking, a van just appeared out of no where in the desert...
    And the guys in the van turn out to be the the same guys I went to high school with!”

    drove off the road
    had set up
    a van appeared out of no where
    the guys in the van turn out to be
    I wanted to tell you something that happened
    “I got to tell Bunny about the shit, and he's not gonna believe it. ”
    I was driving on the highway and
    You see...
    I thought it's kinda fun to
    so I decided to, like ...., I mean, like a shortcut
    something like that
    I was like.....and he was like.....
    I was kind of like , and he's kind of like..
    It scared of the shit of me man, seriously.
    Actually well you know..

    Smeeth over and out.

    1970-01-01   1赞       0踩       136浏览 评论(0)
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