• 斯密士     【斯密说:双语百科】EP3交个盆有八!

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    Americans are often very friendly and helpful to people that they do not know well, and they may also be more open in what they talk about than us Asian guys. For example they don’t feel as awkward and embarrassed as we do when they mention the phrase “get laid”. Anyway, it could be confusing sometimes to someone who comes from a country where people are initially more reserved.
    我是Smeeth, 大家好我又出现了^^。今天聊聊妹果仁交友三观。有一些跟咱们国人或者亚洲人时不一样的。我个人还是比较喜欢妹果仁的性格的,他们友好乐于助人,甚至是第一次见面的人他们也会帮助。他们聊天禁忌不是很多,聊得比较开,比如他们聊“约炮”这种话题时就比我们要自然得多。某些地区的人性格更加内敛腼腆,可能就不知道美国人的性格到底是什么样的了。

    You may think American guys are superficial and proud but they do have two things in socializing I personally like about. Number one , they stress privacy very much. Number two, independence. Americans may prefer to do something themselves rather than asking for help, that’s the way they are educated, and that’s probably why you see American people checking map themselves at the side of a road. Because they do not want to impose on other people’s privacy and they expect others to do the same. Here’s an other difference: American people would greet strangers but Chinese guys would prefer to say hi only to people they know.

    Americans care about their independence too, don’t be judgmental when talking about other people, because it’s easily considered an invasion of their privacy. Especially when you are in a relationship with an American guy/girl. And also American girls find muscular, fun, confident, and outgoing and neatly dressed males more attractive, so when you get to study abroad someday in the future, try not to be indoorsy ,extremely shy or scruffy, if you don’t want to wind up feeling alone while your roommate is making out with his blond girlfriend in a couch.
    妹果仁都很独立,跟美国人打交道千万不要评头论足,因为你不了解别人就judge别人他们认为是一种对独立人格的侵犯,尤其是跟妹果仁谈恋爱的时候。那么美国的广大女生都喜欢什么样的男生呢?肌肉发达(头脑是否简单先不管),幽默风趣,开朗自信,还有衣着整齐清爽。(亚洲男生靠脸卖萌的出国了基本没优势,不过很多中国女生不管怎么样都是很受欢迎的,只要你有典型的亚洲脸:比如高颧骨细长眉毛跟单眼皮的眼睛。这就是传说中的“yellow fever”)以后大家出国念书,如果不想室友跟他的洋人女友在沙发上啪啪啪你却独守空房的话,就别总是那么宅那么害羞那么邋遢啦!LOL


    initially reserved (本就就很)腼腆的
    awkward & embarrassed 很囧很尴尬
    superficial & proud 肤浅&傲娇
    They don’t feel as.....as we do. 他们不会跟我们一样感到。。。
    privacy & independence 隐私(名词)& 独立(名词)
    impose on privacy 干预别人的隐私
    "That's the way they are educated.” “这是他们的(被)教育方式”
    at the side of a road 在路边
    greet strangers 跟陌生人打招呼
    muscular 肌肉发达的
    neatly dressed 衣着整洁(形容词)
    extremely shy 过分害羞的
    scruffy 邋遢的
    Indoorsy 宅 (形容词:他很宅。)
    wind up feeling alone (以)感到孤单(收场)
    make out 调情亲热
    blond 金发的

    Smeeth over and out.

    1970-01-01   1赞       0踩       70浏览 评论(0)
男 入行配角lv19


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