• 斯密士     林子大了什么鸟都有 十一件出国旅游别做的事情!

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》



    又到了小伙伴练习听力的时间了,check out these eleven things you will never do when you travel.听不懂也没有关系,完整文本请关注微信公众号SmethilyFM获得。憋说话,听就行了!

    T11 Don’t tip in Japan
    Service at restaurants and hotels will likely be exceptional in Japan, but no matter what good service they provide ,tipping is NOT appreciated!!! It is considered a disgrace in the country!

    T10 Don’t talk with your hands in your pocket in Germany
    It’s considered rude. It’s also customary to keep your hands on the table while eating, rather than resting them on your lap.

    T9 Don’t use your left hand in India
    Well, I don’t mean not to use your left hand at all, I mean under some circumstances using right hand is somehow better. The left hand is thought of as unclean in Indian culture, so always use your right hand to greet someone, exchange money, or pick up merchandise.

    T8 Don’t honk in Norway
    It’s only used in emergency- so your unnecessary beeping could possibly cause drivers to panic, how about that.

    T7 Always don’t forget to say Hello in France
    “Bonjour madame, monsieur” should be the first words coming out of your mouth, otherwise you’re subtly showing you feel the person is beneath you.

    T6 Make sure to give an odd number of flowers as a gift in Russia
    Traditionally, an even number of flowers is given only at funerals. An odd number is given for celebrations. That’s why you can often find a man throwing out a flower when he buys a large bouquet.

    T5 Don’t touch the top of anyone’s head in Malaysia
    Never touch anyone’s head or pass anything from above the head. It is considered to be the most sacred body part. Actually it is considered rude to touch one’s head in many countries, especially children’s head. In USA, an adult has to ask children’s parents for permission before he can touch the children’s head, otherwise he may be sued for sexual harassment.

    T4 Cover up in Kenya
    Avoid wearing short, revealing clothes, so no skirts and no shorts. Cover up modestly, not like Muslim in their religious dress, but as if you were going to play at a golf tournament. People like to dress modestly here.

    T3 Don’t mock Buddha in Thailand
    Respect Buddha images. Do not do any kind of inappropriate posture near images of Buddha. Do not say anything negative about the king of Thailand and the royal family. Most people love the king. If you say anything bad about the king, people will hate you, and you don’t get to watch shemale show or worse go to jail.

    T2 Don’t turn down food in Italy
    When someone offers you food or drinks, especially if you’ve just eaten the dish being offered and that was cooked by the house lady, you’re supposed to accept or have a good/nice excuse for not doing so. Refusing is considered impolite or a sign you didn’t like it. It sounds familiar to me, my mom is never happy when I turn down the food she gives me.

    T1 Feel free to go barefoot, but don’t swim in any sea you see.
    If you find people walking with no footwear whatsoever, don’t stare. It’s perfectly normal to go about in public places without shoes and even in some cases a shirt. Don’t worry about it you are still served. But swimming in NZ waters is extremely tricky. Although there are no sharks, the tides and current may still kill you.

    最后Pet Shop Boys 的电子流行单曲Bolshy送给大家。我是Smeeth,周五再见。

    1970-01-01   13赞       1踩       631浏览 评论(4)
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