• 斯密士     MC Smeeth带你飞-我最喜欢的城市 西海岸大都会LA

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    Los Angeles which means "The Angels"in Spanish, nicknamed the City of Angels, is often known by its initials L.A.. Of which population is approximately 18 million in 2010, making it one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world as well as the second-largest city in the United States after New York City, and the most populous city in the state of California. By the way, Our metropolis Guangzhou in southern China is of its 25 sister cities through out the world.

    Los Angeles lies in a large coastal basin surrounded on three sides by mountains, which is known for its mediterranean climate, ethnic diversity, sprawling metropolis, and as a major center of the American entertainment industry. Los Angeles is a global city with a diverse economy in entertainment, culture, media, fashion, science, sports, technology, education, medicine and research.

    It’s one of my favorite cities in the world. Because Los Angeles has a Subtropical-Mediterranean climate, that means plenty of sunshine throughout the year, with an average of only 35 days with measurable precipitation annually. Do you guys still remember the music of that producer soul chef I recommended? That I said every time I listen I feel like the beach and sunshine is right in front of my eyes? Now you know why, the album is called long hot summer, and it feels exactly like LA.
    其实它是我最喜欢的城市之一,因为它的亚热带地中海气候。全年平均只有35天可检测到的降水,阳光非常充沛有木有!大家还记得之前我推荐的音乐人soulchef么?现在知道为什么我说每次一听都感觉到了加州了吧?专辑名字直接就是Long Hot Summer,典型的加州LA风格音乐。

    Believe it or not though, just like big cities in China, air pollution,aka.Smog Issue also affects the city. Due to the heavy dependence of automobiles, Los Angeles also suffers from the exhausts from road vehicles, airplanes, locomotives, shipping, manufacturing. Wherever I laid eyes on I see dark skies.

    Do you play video games? Have you ever heard of a world famous role play game series called Grand Theft Auto aka GTA? Actually Grand Theft Auto V sets within the fictional state of San Andreas, based on Southern California, and fictional city of Los Santos, based on Los Angeles. I’ll tell you why, according to the Los Angeles Police Department, the city is home to 45,000 gang members, organized into 450 gangs. This has led to the city being referred to as the "Gang Capital of America". What’s why the story of this world renowned action game takes place in this legendary city. That right Frankie?
    你玩不玩电子游戏?听说过世界著名的那个系列《侠盗猎车手》么?GTA5的故事其实就是发生在LA,游戏里的城市Los Santos其实就是复制的LA。为什么呢?我来告诉你。根据洛城警察局的报告,全市有450个大大小小的帮派的45000黑帮成员。怪不得,LA也被无奈地戴上了“美国犯罪之都”的帽子.

    Not only GTA, but also the American TV series The Big Bang Theory, takes place in a city just north of LA. Pasadena is a city in Los Angeles County, California, in which all my beloved Big Bang Theory characters live. I hope one day I could pay them a visit.

    Speaking of television productions, video games, and recorded music. You just can’t miss the landmark Hollywood Sigh on Mt. Lee at northwest of downtown Los Angeles, which overlooks Hollywood, and also the city of LA. Hollywood or Tinseltown is a neighborhood in the central region of Los Angeles, California. The neighborhood is notable for its place as the home of the U.S. film industry, including several of its historic studios. Its name has become a metonym for the motion picture industry of the United States.

    Well one of the other reasons that I like about the city is that you can always find young girls and boys glaring like stars taking selfies on the sidewalk. 对了,另外一个我喜欢LA的原因我偷偷告诉你,因为好莱坞就在旁边所以市区里到处都能看到闪闪发光地帅哥女神在边走边自拍哈哈。等不及了,老夫先走一步!

    “Excuse me, um can I take a picture of us. I think you think look gorgeous.”“嗨美女,可以一起留个影么,我觉得你真是太美了!”
    “I think I’m gonna call 911.” “额,退后我要报警了!”

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    PeaceLove& Respect

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