• 斯密士     -MC Smeeth带你飞- 美国留学住房指南

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    For those who are on your way to America to study or travel, I’m going to say a few things about American renting and housing, just for the heads up. 这一期节目送给那些那些即将踏上赴美的学子与旅行者们,我们来聊聊美国租房住房那些事吧,希望能给各位一点提示。又见面了,我是Smeeth。
    You can just rent about any type of dwelling in the United States: houses, rooms in houses, apartments and even single rooms in apartments. And if you come from a really wealthy family, you can also try renting an RV ( just like Mr. White and Jessie Pinkman in Breaking Bad)! You may even see the occasional ad for a log cabin or house boat for rent. If you don’t plan to stay in America for long, these are some of the criteria I recommend you to consider : 在美国你可以租各种各样类型的住宅:独栋的房子,单间,公寓,公寓里的单间,如果家境富裕,你甚至跟《绝命毒师》里的老白跟小粉一样可以租一辆房车(美国的地线挺多的,房车各种接,在国内买了房车你没地方接线马桶都冲不了)。甚至你可以有机会看到小木屋跟船屋的广告。 如果你只是留学美国或者不准备长期住,以下是Smeeth提示你需要认真考虑的一些细节哟:

    1. How much it costs (I'm just making conversation)
    2. How long you plan to stay 租期
    3. Whether there is enough room for all your stuff and all your friends.(House parties in
    the future is indispensable). 空间大小,是否放的下你所有行李物品,还要能容纳很多朋友。
    4. Where the apartment is located 地理位置也很重要
    5. Your neighborhood environment (This could be decisive, you know they are allowed to
    have guns right?) 决定的的一点:社区环境是否美好,至少得安全吧(偷偷告诉你,美国又可
    6. How close it is to stores,cafes, hair salons, bars and pubs, and colleges( Socializing is
    also important, you just can’t stay in the States for a while without even been at an
    American party). 距离咖啡店,发廊,小酒吧,以及学校的距离。(社交也是你需要好好考虑

    Now my learned loyal housekeeper Jock is going to introduce the differences of housing and renting.下面由我渊博忠诚的“管家”Jock来为大家介绍一下在美国住房跟中国住房的一一些不同。
    There are a few differences when you rent a place to live in in China and in the States. Prices are cheaper when you rent in US generally, but purchasing is probably the same, and American houses and condos are a lot bigger than that of China. In addition to a bedroom, most rental flats have: 大家好,在中国跟在美国住房也是有点不一样的。房租总的来说没有中国那么贵,买房的话基本差不多(一线城市)。不过美国的公寓跟高级公寓都比中国的要大。大多数公寓除了自带卧室意外,可能还会有:
    1. A kitchen with built-in cabinets, a refrigerator, a stove and sometimes a dishwasher 嵌入橱柜的厨房,冰箱,烤炉,也许还会有洗衣机
    2. A living room (mostly bigger than that of a Chinese home) 客厅(当然是比中国一般公寓里的大咯)
    3. A full bathroom with a bathtub or “powder-room” 带浴缸的浴室甚至还有“化妆间”
    4. A yard (with a swimming pool if you got a heavy wallet) and a garage (I’m talking about a house renting not an apartment) 一个小院子一个车库 (如果你租的是一个House)
    (Jock 声音是不是很耳熟?哈哈哈哈)

    Oh yeah, one more thing, you are living in America so your neighbors probably won’t be as tolerant as those back home when you make much noise at night and throw garbage everywhere in the community. 对了,还有一件事情,在美国要注意,美国人很注意独立空间,所以别晚上发出噪音打扰你的邻居或者垃圾丢得到处都是,他们可没有国内的乡亲们好说话哟!

    Good luck guys! That’s the end of Housing & Renting Evaluation Report. Smeeth over and out. 祝各位好运!本次“租住房评估报告”到此结束, Smeeth 通话结束!

    喜欢我的欢迎关注我跟主播Emily的微信公众号Emily_aiyingyu,加入讨论群一起讨论。加入我们的讨论群还有晨读群,希望我们的声音带给你来自美国的feeling, 让你回想起第一次学英语的初心。
    Peace,Love& Respect

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