• 娜无忧     泡沫~英文改编

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    You said you love me dear
    but what happened?
    Dont wanna shed a tear
    at this moment
    Why did you make up those small excuses
    and then just left me here

    美麗的泡沫 雖然一剎花火
    你所有承諾 雖然都太脆弱
    愛本是泡沫 如果能夠看破 有什麼難過

    I should've known our love
    couldn't get through
    all those troubles and fears
    left us right here
    don't even know whats wrong
    so much fighting baby can we go on?

    美麗的泡沫 雖然一剎花火
    你所有承諾 雖然都太脆弱
    愛本是泡沫 如果能夠看破 有什麼難過
    再美的花朵 盛開過就凋落

    再亮眼的星 一閃過就墜落
    愛本是泡沫 如果能夠看破 没什麼難過

    1970-01-01   618赞       26踩       16369浏览 评论(405)


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