• THG•昔夏未央     【坦坦翻唱盒子!】ep65#《狮子王》插曲--Can you feel the love tonight

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Hello 大家好 > < 今天给大家带来一首超级经典的迪士尼插曲!因为前几天去电影院看了重制版的《狮子王🦁️》,所以有感而唱🎤~~



    不得不说~重制版真的太难看了T U T 动物们都变成了死气沉沉的面瘫~大草原的色调也过于暗沉,一点都没有动画版那种明亮活泼的色彩~整部电影就像是配乐版的《动物世界》,不仅违和感爆棚,而且好多镜头还恐怖无比T V T (被吓得蜷缩在椅子上好几次hhhhh

    原版动画片可能是太久远的缘故,我不确定自己看没看过了qvvq 反正情节是一点儿都不记得quuq~看重制版的时候全程在脑补原版的画面~不得不说,故事真的是好故事,但真的不适合改成“真人版T//T (重新上映原版是我现在最大的心愿😭

    有人说最令人扼腕的是,现在迪士尼不出手绘动画了,我简直一万个赞成T A T !!手绘的颜色真的比电脑版舒服柔和很多,层次也更丰富~~(比如《全职猎人》旧版vs新版)而且这种一张一张亲手绘制的匠人精神多么浪漫T U T ✨

    扯一句题外话~昨天京阿尼总部被烧了😭那么多珍贵的原画,还有一条条为了救画而牺牲的生命......向这些坚守匠人精神的英雄们致敬T T 希望京阿尼可以尽快浴火重生🔥

    There's a calm surrender
    To the rush of day
    When the heat of a rolling wind
    Can be turned away

    An enchanted moment
    And it sees me through
    It's enough for this restless warrior
    Just to be with you

    And can you feel the love tonight?
    It is where we are
    It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer
    That we've got this far

    And can you feel the love tonight? (Tonight)
    How it's laid to rest?
    It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
    Believe the very best

    There's a time for everyone
    If they only learn
    That the twisting kaleidoscope
    Moves us all in turn

    There's a rhyme and reason
    To the wild outdoors
    When the heart of this star-crossed voyager
    Beats in time with yours

    And can you feel the love tonight? (Tonight)
    It is where we are
    It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer
    That we've got this far

    And can you feel the love tonight? (Tonight)
    How it's laid to rest?
    It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
    Believe the very best
    It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
    Believe the very best

    最后补充一张当年小辛巴的配音演员剧照~~满满的都是年代感和感动啊T U T 希望迪士尼能保持初心,以后也能一直做出像《狮子王》一样的动画~~~💗✨

    1970-01-01   74赞       3踩       3595浏览 评论(125)
女 戏骨lv62


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